A photograph of Amanda Pierson smiling

Amanda is a sociologist whose research focuses on law, surveillance, and stratification. Her teaching and scholarship is informed by a conscious commitment to equity and inclusion, personal and professional growth, and mutual aid. She is currently pursuing her PhD at the University of Arizona School of Sociology.


Introduction to Criminal Justice
Juvenile Delinquency
Abolition in Theory and Practice


(2022) Graduate Mentorship Award Nominee, The George Washington University

(2019) Philip J. Amsterdam Graduate Teaching Award Recipient, The George Washington University


(Forthcoming) with Jane Mahon and Jovanna Walker. “Embracing Abolitionist Pedagogy in Elite Educational Institutions” Feminist Pedagogy.

(2023) “Data Surveillance and Carceral Research.” Routledge Handbook of Prisons & Jails. Eds. Danielle Rudes, Gaylene Armstrong, TaLisa Carter, and Kimberly Kras. New York: Routledge.

(2018) with Daniel E. Martínez, “Immigrants in the Federal Court System.” Routledge Handbook on Immigration and Crime. Eds. Holly Ventura Miller and Anthony Peguero. New York: Routledge.