Good pedagogy, research, and collaboration require diversity and inclusion be intentionally centered in their practice, period.

A diverse group of approximately seven people gather around a table as one individual speaks.  They seem to be collaborating on a project.

guiding principles

  • Prioritization

    My research design, course content, and mentorship style are all intentionally designed to be accessible and inclusive. It matters to me that people of different abilities and backgrounds are able to enter and thrive in the field of sociology, and higher education more broadly.

  • Engagement

    I actively seek out emerging research on teaching equitably and incorporate authors of varying identities in both my research and course material. It is my hope my students see themselves represented as scholars in sociology and learn from a diverse range of perspectives.

  • Reflection

    My goal is to celebrate diversity and practice inclusion to the best of my ability. This requires me to seek improvement, reevaluate my policies, and claim accountability for the environment I create both in the classroom, in the conference room, and on the page.

from the syllabus

When approaching any topic, we come with our habitus - our personhood, experiences, perspective, and ignorance – and I am no different. It is my expectation that all members of the course actively work to create a space where students are able to express themselves free of judgment. Students are strongly encouraged to practice self-awareness, humility, and respect when having difficult conversations regarding race, class, gender identity, sexuality, religion, political affiliation, and other potentially sensitive topics. Hateful, violent, or sexually explicit comments will not be tolerated.